about this blog

Thanks for taking the time to look at this blog.

I'm writing it for a number of reasons:
  • as a creative outlet for projects that don't fall within the scope of day to day work at my production company
  • to talk about and explore photography.
  • to talk in more depth about interesting projects we're doing at FLETCHERWILSON
  • to talk about cool stuff and ideas that I come across in my work in the production industry
  • to connect, and exchange ideas with people 
  • to promote the production company that I'm a partner in - FLETCHERWILSON
The above are quite disparate and added to that, I tend to work / play between artistic and techtastic, consequently this is likely to be a blog with no single theme, I've heard it said that a blog should be very focused. This one won't be - I hope this doesn't put you off.

I'm keen to hear from anyone who has a view on anything discussed here - get in contact. You don't need an account to leave a comment on any of my posts - just select 'anonymous' from the drop down.

You can also find me on Twitter